How are you going with your layouts for the Sketch Competition? Our gallery already has lots of gorgeous layouts so why not pop over and check them out and add your creation to the gallery for us all to see.
This week we have a gorgeous sketch by Alison Payne, thanks Ally.
The colours of this sketch are so gorgeous.

"Don't let go" by Tam - such a sweet layout thanks Tam.

"Oma" by Manon - such sweet memories to scrap, thanks Manon.

"Moments" by Terri - another gorgeous wedding layout - Terri your wedding album must be bursting with all these gorgeous layouts, thanks Terri.

"You brighten my day" by me - a very quick layout of Zane (my other child)

Well thanks so much for popping in and taking the time to appreciate the gorgeous layouts the CISters Stylish Sketch Blog Team create.
Our team member, Nae, is taking a break from the Sketch Blog due to uni, work and family and life commitments so next week watch this space for an announcement on who will be our newest Sketch Blog Team member - I think she is still bouncing off the walls with excitement and I am very very sure she is bursting to tell someone lol.
Happy scrapping
Liz Weber